
CIM、WBEM要Web Service化么?

CIM、WBEM要Web Service化么?


    RPC?是的,当然要有。但是我们也期望有一个好的设计,就比如Java RMI那样的,可以将我们的开发成本降到最低。





    WBEM使CIM可以应用起来。通过Service Location Protocol (SLP),WBEM工具可以发现CIM服务端。通过CIM-XML,WBEM工具可以向CIM服务端发送标准的请求,并且按照CIM的标准操作服务端对象,从而执行某项管理职能。

    看到了吧,就是这个CIM-XML,它替代了XMLRPC和SOAP的位置,负责将客户端的动作转换为具体的向服务器端的请求。简单的说呢,就是一系列的Web Service接口。只不过不同的地方是,CIM又定义了这些接口的使用方式,使得即使你对这些接口完全一无所知,也没有WSDL,就可以使用这些接口,因为他们都是符合CIM标准的。



    现在怀疑WBEM有废弃CIM-XML,向Web Service转移的可能,因为我发现了这么两个事实:

    其一,WBEM最新产生了一个名为WS-Management的标准。WS即为Web Service的简称。我没有仔细看这么一个标准,因为其中满是技术细节,我现在还不需要了解。但是这两份于06年8月刚刚产生的,还未正式发布的标准定义了如何将CIM绑定到WS上,并且如何通过WSDL解释。这是否预示着CIM开始发现重复发明轮子的坏处,开始向主流的WS靠拢?

    其二,我在网络上搜索到了一封邮件,是2000年某人发给xml-dist-app@w3.org的信。我不知道这位作者Frederick B. Kintanar(fred@ntsp.nec.co.jp)的来历,但是他写给标准化组织W3C的这封信恰恰表明了,早在2000年,这位日本人(猜测)就已经发现了我现在担忧的问题。他提出将xmlCIM(可以认为和CIM-XML同等)列入W3C的一个XML相关技术的表格,并且在信中提到完全可以将SOAP中的信体替换为CIM的标准,从而用SOAP替代xmlCIM。下面是原信:

xmlCIM over HTTP

From: Frederick B. Kintanar <fred@ntsp.nec.co.jp>

Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 15:42:32 +0800

Message-ID: <000501c0010c$36ab3880$5c3b1cac@ntsp.nec.co.jp>

To: <xml-dist-app@w3.org>

I was looking at the survey of XML protocol techniques at


I think it would be relevant to include the HTTP Messaging

incorporated into xmlCIM, the XML encoding of 

the Common Information Model (CIM), being developed

by Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) as part

of the Web Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)




Microsoft has incorporated CIM into its implementation 

of Windows Management Instrumentation, and I'm sure 

it would be easy to use SOAP instead of the xmlCIM 

<message> elements to carry CIM declarations.  I don't 

 know  whether a standard way to do this will emerge, and

how CIM and WBEM might eventually support a standard 

XML protocol.


CIM is also related to Directory Enabled Networking and 

LDAP, so their experiences interacting with directory services 

may also be of interest to W3C.



Fred Kintanar

NEC Telecom Software Philippines

Cebu City

Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2000 03:42:53 GMT






不理解DMTF的家伙们到底在做什么,眼看着SOAP大行其道,满城尽是SOAer,偏偏搞出一个CMI-XML来,原理相同,效果一直,但就是不是一回事。逼得我又得作选择,向左还是向右,天煞的知道。也许DMTF早一些,传说1997就有。但不管怎么说,将来肯定不会是Both,肯定是The Only One。所以你就不得不赌一把。




















stdClass is a default PHP object.




This might shed some light on the subject: From PHP CookBook

Classes also live in a defined hierarchy. At the top of the chain, there is a generic class. In

PHP, this class is named stdClass, for "standard class." Each class down the line is more

specialized than its parent.

Recipe 7.12 Adding Properties to a Base Object

7.12.1 Problem

You want to create an object and add properties to it, but you don't want to formally define it

as a specific class. This is useful when you have a function that requires an object with certain

properties, such as what's returned from mysql_fetch_object( ) or imap_header( ).

7.12.2 Solution

Use the built-in base class, stdClass:

$pickle = new stdClass;

$pickle->type = 'fullsour';

7.12.3 Discussion

Just as array( ) returns an empty array, creating an object of the type stdClass provides

you with an object without properties or methods.

Like objects belonging to other classes, you can create new object properties, assign them

values, and check those properties:

$guss = new stdClass;

$guss->location = 'Essex';

print "$guss->location\n";

$guss->location = 'Orchard';

print "$guss->location\n";



Methods, however, can't be defined after an object is instantiated.

It is useful to create objects of stdClass when you have a function that takes a generic object, such as one returned from a database fetching function, but you don't want to actually make a database request. For example:

function pc_format_address($obj) {

return "$obj->name <$obj->email>";


$sql = "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE id=$id";

$dbh = mysql_query($sql);

$obj = mysql_fetch_object($dbh);

print pc_format_address($obj);

David Sklar <david@example.com>

The pc_print_address( ) function takes a name and email address and converts it to a format as you might see in the To and From fields in an email program. Here's how to call this function without calling mysql_fetch_object( ):

$obj = new stdClass;

$obj->name = 'Adam Trachtenberg';

$obj->email = 'adam@example.com';

print pc_format_address($obj);

Adam Trachtenberg adam@example.com


In case anybody didn't catch it, stdClass is the base php class, form which all other classes are actually extended. This gives the basics of default methods and properties, and is an inherint concept in class type data structures.

The reason you see it so much in mambo is becuase mambo developers have decided to use stdClass type objects as configuration/information repositories instead or parrallel variables or arrays. These objects are used exclusively for run time storage of variables (just for their set and get abilities.)

They actually get quite ugly if you turn your php alerts on (as most of us do when we develop,) as you can see an alert for each call to a variable that has yet to be set.

This is actually a beef of mine here. The use of these empty objects, with attributes set at runtime (as opposed to being declared as a part of the class) generate a few problems:

1) the only bug I've ever found in PHP4 was with respect to refering undeclared object properties which used to trip out php4, and give you an error relating to a completely different bit of code - although that might have required the properties to be returned by reference, I can't rememeber.

2) you can never really see what the object is like/supposed to be like if it isn't set up properly. Similarily the object can never be tested for vailidty before being passed on.

3) all occurences of such objects are completely non-differentiable (sp?) You can't tell if two are meant for the same purpose or if they are for different purposes.

I'm not much of a programmer but I think it would be much better to use a base class defined for this use, which has some understanding of what it stores and can perhaps self-validate and self manage (and print itself out.)

I wrote a php4 object of such a nature which I called a struct. It is an abstracted class, which when extended is told what kind of information it holds. It then spend it's existence setting and retrieving the values it is meant to hold, in essence serving it's purpose an a configuration information repository. In addition it can self-validate ( $obj->isValid(); ), return meta inforamtion on itself and it's variables and .... that's it actually.

Of course my code is made irrelevant by php5 which actually handles the sets and gets much better (but still would require a base abstract class.)

ok - enough of my blab.


Zf Controller层的问题解决

Zf Controller层的问题解决





没办法,求助Google吧,找到一片tutorail,of zf的,一看才知道,原来是apache的原因。



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